Thursday, July 30, 2009
H1N1 strike my family...
FYI, I'm okay now...everything's fine between me and my fiance...skrg ni terkazut dgr berita yg my lil' cousin disahkan positif, drg 1 family tgh kuarantin di rumah drg...berkurung 1 week. Hmm, kesian dia, baru darjah 2 tu dia...My aunty said dia punya suhu badan skrg is her school pun tutup...SRK Stella Maris. Eeee...macam x save mo kan mo jln2 skrg ni...11 schools in Sabah sdh kena perintah tutup...duii, mcmn la mo kasi elak penyebaran dia tu aa? tapi kan, some people degil betul bah, x mo p jumpa doktor biarpun sdh sakit2...lepas tu, mo juga berjalan...harap2 la tidak berlarutan....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
No Mood...
Nothing much to say just..."sa tidak ada mood ni...sudahlah sa di"tembak jipun", ada problem pula sama tunang sa...TENSION"...huhuhuhuhu
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday Activity...
FYI, I am still alone at home. My housemate hasn't come back from Labuan. I don't know why it takes her so long to reach home...Maybe because the weather is not good. It's been raining for 4 hours now. Ok, guess what I'm doing now (other than blogging)...Hehehhe, yup...playing game from facebook. I'm not interested in playing those games before. I always ignored my friends' request when they invited me to join them because that time, I'm not an active facebooker yet...but now, I'm sure gonna check my FB at least once a day. Yesterday I went to KK to buy Latih Tubi books for my SPM students (Science and Physics), together with my two students cum fiance's niece and nephew. After that I went to the beauty centre where I had my facial to buy their facial products since I found it suitable for my skin. It costs me around RM400...huhuhuh, this is the first time I spent so much money for facial product...
Ok, back to my Sunday activity. This morning I didn't go to church because I woke up late...don't blame me ok, I slept late last night. Ok, after having my breakfast, I continue to do my work that is keying all the marks for kerja kursus PMR. I then, print it and yesss, I'M DONE! Then after that, I showered my cat, LACI and then watching TV. Around 1pm, I can feel my stomach drumming for food so I went to the kitchen and cooked rice...I did some simple cooking too...Sausage bakar and telur mata and opened the can food...kari kerang...hmmm, though simple but enak dimakan...
Around 2pm, the rain started to fall and that is when I'm getting sleepy...I checked my FB and played games and after that I can't stand no more, so I bring laci to bed to have a nice evening sleep...ekekkeke. I woke up at around 5pm and again turn on my laptop and yeah, YKI...facebook-ing again...and do some blog reading.
Ooo, I heard someone's coming. Maybe my housemate...ok then, got to stop here...will see u again...byeeeee
Friday, July 24, 2009
What does it mean to be a lover?
You are a lover when you appreciate the gift that your partner is, and celebrate that gift every day.
You are a lover when you remember that your partner does not belong to you - he or she is on loan from the universe.
You are a lover when you realize that nothing that happens between you will be insignificant, that everything you say in relationship has the potential to cause your beloved joy or sorrow, and everything you do will either strengthen your connection or weaken it.
You are a lover when you understand all this, and thus wake up each morning filled with gratitude that you have another day in which to love and enjoy your partner.
When you have a lover in your life, you are richly blessed. you have given the gift of another person who has chosen to walk beside you. He or she will share your days and nights, your bed and your burdens. Your lover will see secret parts of you that no one else sees. He or she will touch places on your body that no one else touches. Your lover will seek you out where you have been hiding, and create a haven for you within safe, loving arms.
Your lover offers you an abundance of miracles every day. He has the power to delight you with his smile, his voice, the scent of his neck, the way he moves. She has the power to banish your loneliness. He has the power to turn the ordinary into the sublime. She is your doorway to heaven here on earth. - Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.
Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Couple's soul....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wedding Preparation So Far
First of all, I want to share good news with y’all. Laci is back but when she came home this evening, she looked thin. As she entered the house, she meowing for food. When I gave her a bowl of cat food, she ate it all and after that went to sleep on my bed. Now, she is sleeping again…
Ok, in this post, I want to share to u all what I did so far for my wedding ceremony. For now, I already did my wedding photo shoot indoor and outdoor managed by Victoria’s Bridal, which is located opposite the Luyang Clinic. As I told u all earlier, I had to change my wedding date since the priest is not free on that date. So our wedding date will be earlier than the first planned date. And because of that, we changed our wedding reception venue from Ranau Chinese Temple Hall to Mt Kinabalu Heritage & Spa, Kundasang. Since I’m here at Membakut, I have to ask help from my parents to pay the deposit to the Restaurant CEO. They were told to pay 50% of the full amount so I asked my fiancé to bank-in half of the ‘belanja dapur’ so that they can use it to pay the deposit. Last Saturday my mum called me and informed me that they have pay the deposit. She also told me that they have informed the CEO about our theme colour, which is purple white. Thanks to them because it won’t happen without them.



HIM: “Bey, nnt ko kasi sedia itu pengesahan majikan, pengesahan bujang sama salinan slip gaji terbaru ko aaa….”
ME : Aiya, mo jugakah itu suma? Eeee leceh juga mo kawin sama polis ni tau…
HIM: Nah sepa suruh mo kahwin sama polis..
ME: Mcmn juga klu itu polis sdh mengurat…
HIM: Aik, manada polis yg mengurat, itu cikgu tu yg mengurat…
ME: Manada…polis tu yg mengurat
HIM: Cikgu…
ME: Polis…
And bla-bla-bla…but end up, we both laughed…
At school this morning, I asked my colleague who also married to a policeman. And she told me that “Betul tu mel, dulu sa pun kena kasi sedia suma tu…Laki ku cakap, drg mo pastikan bininya bukan banduan…” WHAT???? Whatever la…as long as I can get married…
Ohh, I also have created our DIY wedding invitation but haven’t printed it out since there are about 4 months till our big day. Just a simple design because I’m sure most of the people we’ll invite will not keep the card. Maybe some of them will keep it for remembrance, just like me.
ehehhe, there are more at Ranau...
Oklah, I guess that's all for now...See u soon. BYEEE
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"Real Scary Movie"
Hari ni something scary berlaku di sekolah. Masa tu sa tengah mengajar di kelas form 5 dlm pukul 7.50am when suddenly semua pelajar berlari pigi arah koridor yg facing itu netball court. At the same time, sa dengar bunyi teriakan dari arah sana...students sa pun ckaplah "teacher, napa drg suma lari p sana?jom kita pun p sana la.." Sa pun melangkah la kunun keluar dari kelas (kelas tu berada di hujung koridor) and of course students sa pun join sekali...kami tgk ada bbrp students di court sm 2 org guru...and nmpk ada 2 org girls fighting.."isk, ni mesti kes gaduh la ni" That's what came across my mind masa tu tapi tiba2 yg sorang tu lari naik tingkat 1 (tingkat tempat kami sdg menengok) and yg 1 org tu mo kejar tp sempat dia slap org guru lelaki tu lpas tu berdiri tgk tingkat 1 and siap tunjuk someone...masa tu la suma pelajar bertempiaran pun x pasal2 kena langgar budak2 ni. sa pun ikut jugalah masuk kelas balik...rupa2nya budak tu kerasukan. dia jalan ke arah barisan kelas kami tu. nasib baik dia lalu kelas kami ja...ntah sepa yg dia kejar tu di kelas yg hujung satu lagi. Masa tu mmg sa dub-dab-dub-dab sdh tu. lepas tu dia patah balik towards kelas kami and bila betul2 depan kelas kami tu, dia jatuh pengsan. Since sa seorg guru di sana masa tu, sa jugalah yg terpaksa angkat dia wif the help of bbrp org students. Nasib baik ada sorang guru lelaki dtg tolong angkat. Masa dekat bilik guru sdh, tetiba dia buka mata, meronta2 minta dilepaskan and yg paling sa takut bila dia tgk sa dgn pandangan tajam and ketawa mengilai...aduii, masa tu mmg mo kasi lepas ja tp nnt dia jatuh mmg x berani tgk those eyes (naik sdh goose-flesh sa ni skrg ni). Sgt scary ooo...
Di bilik guru dia dibaringkan di atas carpet and bbrp org guru sdh ready mo tahan dia supaya tidak terlepas (including me). Masa tu sa mmg seram tp kena kuat semangat juga. Adalah guru yg suruh dia beristighfar and macam2 la tp she keep laughing and shouting. skjp dia pengsan, skjp dia bgn balik...tidak lama lepas tu, her aunty and brother came. Bro dia srh kami kasi lepas dia...kami pun kasi lepas la (masa tu dia pengsan) mmg lari jauh sikit sdh tu sbb takut dia bgn n kejar. seperti yg sa duga, tetiba one of her leg terangkat tegak and suddenly she opened her eyes, hempas tangan dia di lantai and....they she was, berdiri sdh...(klu org besa x dpt berdiri mcm tu). dia tgk setiap org di sekeliling dia and she chose her brother to fight with her...of course masa ni sa tgk dari jauh la. Bersilat la dia di sana, kesian juga bro dia kena pukul oleh dia tp bro dia tepis2 ja (mungkin sdh besa). dia tendang pintu bilik guru sbb mo kluar tp pintu tu sdh ditahan dari luar. dia tendang pun bukan 1 kaki tp 2 kaki (u imagine la sendiri)...bila dia tidak dpt kuar, dia panjat tingkap bilik guru sampai atas tu...and sekali lg dia pandang arah kami (sa sm ustazah) with 1 tgn bergayut di grill tingkap and 1 lagi terjuntai. aduii, kami pun apa lagi lari keluar dr pintu lain and p pejabat am. Di pjbt am tu mmg byk guru2 ppuan berkumpul la. lepas tu, tidak tau apa kejadian di dlm blk guru tp at last, dia sedar and dibawa pulang. tapi bukan dia seorg saja kena, di tingkat bawah pun bbrp org pljr ppuan pun ada yg histeria and pengsan...tapi tidak seteruk dia la. Because of that incident, aktiviti kokurikulum untuk petang itu dibatalkan sbb tidak mo stay smpi petang sgt di skolah, takut ada lg yg kena.
Korek punya korek, rupanya sblm itu, drg di lab and dia ckp sm kwn dia, dia tercium bau yg sgt busuk. lepas tu dia pengsan. bila dia bangun, dia rasa mo muntah and p la di luar lab. sorang classmate dia ikut dia kluar. tetiba classmate dia ni teriak histeria. masa tu dia sdh kena rasuk la. sa rasa mungkin dia tgk classmate dia mcm dia tgk sa tu and ketawa, tu yg classmate dia histeria terus. masa tu la dia serang sorang lg classmate dia before dia kluar kelas dan mula berkeliaran. Eeee...bikin takut kalau kes macam ni sbb dia mencederakan org. kalau kes histeria besa tu tidak apa, ini siap kejar org...adalah juga bbrp org guru lelaki yg jadi mangsa pukulan dia gara-gara mo tangkap dia...tapi mmg kuat la tenaga dia. guru lelaki yg besar pun tidak dpt tahan dia.
Ini first time la sa tgk kejadian yg mcm ni teruk and hopefully tidak akan nampak lagi kejadian macam ni. pengajaran dia, jgn la tegur klu terhidu sesuatu yg ganjil...harap2 lepas ni kejadian ini tidak berulang lagi....Amen.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Here she goes again
Laci mengacau org tuisyen..tgh org tuisyen,dia msuk dlm plastik lapik meja. Tgkla dia ni,suka lg lepak d dlm..laci...laci
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hmmm, sekarang ni tengah tengok MELODI and nnt mo tgk NONA...wah, beginilah kerja sa klu Sunday and if sa di rumah saja. Tidak sabar rasanya mo tunggu bulan lapan ni...ehehhe, mo jumpa yg tersayang sana KL bah, together with parents la mengkali ni...
Bila buka blog friends and saw their post about TRANSFORMER, aduii macam jealous ja sa ni coz I haven't watch the movie yet...di sekolah pun, my tablemate busy sdh selling transformer punya patung...uina, can't believe yg most of my colleagues especially the men siap order for the four transformers. Hmm, no worry, still can watch it from dvd eventhough sdh bangas kali masa tu...huhuhuhu
Bah oklah, got stuff to do...see you soon...bye...