Isk isk isk...jeles la...most of my friends have a long break for this CNY but for me, I only have 4 days break (including saturday and sunday)...cettt, blame it on it (my school)...waaaa, our "boss" didn't want to give us long sad...on wednesday, while everyone else were still sleeping, I and of coure all teachers from my school already busying ourselves for school...and the worst part was...we went home at sport practise some more...haiya, but the "tidak puas hati" part is...our boss boleh pulang awal pula...eeeee, ini tidak adil (ala-ala tiga abdul)...
On Thursday, we got sport practise as usual...I went down to see my budak2 training but stuck on my way there...konon2 singgah kejap p tgk rumah lain practise marching, sekalinya syok "mengumpat" sampai tidak sedar mo pulang sudah...guys, its not 'mengumpat' actually, its just sesi meluahkan perasaan, with 2 women and 2 men, we have the same feeling about everything regarding our workplace. After hearing the men's side, I realized that we are so 'kesian' colleague told us that eventhough we did good job but we still are the compliment, no recognition...bukanlah meminta tapi at least, show us that you care and you appriciate what we have done but sadly...nope, nothing at all...that's why I need to see my 'marks'...last year, I had done something good for the school but if I only have "just ok marks" then for this year, I better do something...kan, kan, kan...buat apa mo berabis kalau tidak dihargai...I will work to satisfy myself and not to satisfy them...hahahah, padan muka.
Oklah, sorry la because it's not a happy post from me...maybe some of you not agree with me but yalah, nama pun "mel's world" kan, so suka hati sa la kan...:P
Saturday, January 31, 2009
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