Hello there...
Hari ni kan, at school I heard a scary story from sa punya colleague. Mo tau apa? Cheh, suspen oo kan...Begini ceritanya...
Yesterday, hsemate sa bgtau yg kami punya 1 kerja ni kena suruh pigi balai polis utk buat statement pasal 1 pergaduhan yg happened around2 sini la juga...dia kena suruh pi balai because pergaduhan itu ada melibatkan dia. I know that only and today at school, kami tanya la dia kisah yg sebenarnya...
Kawan sa ni dulu masa masih study di U, dia ada sorang BF yg dikategorikan Gangster...her father tidak suka dia couple sama lelaki tu so father dia suruh putus and introduced her sama sorang lelaki and drg pun couple laaa....her ex-BF tidak puas hati so dia bagitau sama kwn sa ni yg dia mo kasi kerja ini BF dia tp kwn sa ni tidaklah fikir dia serius mo buat macam tu sbb before this pun dia ada ckp yg dia mo buat kacau di rmh kwn sa time raya tp tidak juga dia dtg buat kacau. Few months ago, kwn sa ni putus pula sama BF pilihan father dia ni sbb org tu mcm tidak respect dia sbg GF (mo amik kesempatan dlm kesempitan).ex-BF no.2 ni pula x boleh terima their break-up so lama jugalah dia kejar kwn sa, tunggu di sekolah mcm psycho,menakutkan jugalah...hari tu pun hampir kwn sa accident gara2 mo melarikan diri dari ex-BF no.2 ni...
Back to the story, last Saturday night, ada pgaduhan berlaku somewhere around here la...x-BF dia yg no.1 suruh geng dia pi pukul ex-BF yg no.2 ni...habis kereta dia kena kasi kerja sampai xda muka kereta lagi and tuannya sekali kena hentam...menurut sumber, now ex-BF no.2 ni sdg dlm keadaan kritikal di hospital. So polis dpt maklumat, nama kwn sa ni disebut2 so dia pun disuruh la dtg p balai.Setakat post ini ditulis, sa x dpt lg perkembangan kwn sa psl dia p balai sbb baru juga td sdia pigi.kemarin dia x pigi. Dari cara kwn sa cerita tu, dia macam dipersalahkan la sbb bapa ex-BF dia yg no.2 ni balik2 kol father kwn sa ni bgatu yg ni semua salah kwn sa...kesian kan, padahal she don't know anything...sekarang siapa harus dipersalahkan? ex-BF no1 yg gangster tu?ex-BF no.2 yg psycho? Kwn sa? Hmm...sa harap dia tidak diapa-apakan and sa harap juga BF dia skrg (bakal jd tunang bln 11) x jd mangsa....
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Marriage license
Just a simple quick update from me...I was at Ranau on last Friday to settle my marriage notice at Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Ranau. I got permission from my principle to leave school at 10 am but because of some unsettled things at school, I drove off to Ranau at about 10.20am...there was many cars on the road that day but luckily the traffic was smooth so I reached Ranau at about 2pm. I met my parents at the Koktas restaurant and had our lunch together. At 2.30pm, I went to JPN and took my calling number..10 minutes later, my number was called. Since me and my fiance had to apply for the marriage license separately (him at KL and mine at Ranau), I had to provide the JPN with my fiance's marriage application from his department...yup, I got it in my hand so all the process was fast and finished in about 15 minutes only. The funny part was the clerk who served me that evening is a dusun man and he spoke dusun language with me (with his 'sini' or 'sirih' in his mouth) while I spoke malay with him. It's not that I can't speak dusun but I'm not that fluent...last conversation baru sa cakap dusun...ehehehhe. bikin malu saja!
Oklah, finish with my update...till the, adios!
Just a simple quick update from me...I was at Ranau on last Friday to settle my marriage notice at Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Ranau. I got permission from my principle to leave school at 10 am but because of some unsettled things at school, I drove off to Ranau at about 10.20am...there was many cars on the road that day but luckily the traffic was smooth so I reached Ranau at about 2pm. I met my parents at the Koktas restaurant and had our lunch together. At 2.30pm, I went to JPN and took my calling number..10 minutes later, my number was called. Since me and my fiance had to apply for the marriage license separately (him at KL and mine at Ranau), I had to provide the JPN with my fiance's marriage application from his department...yup, I got it in my hand so all the process was fast and finished in about 15 minutes only. The funny part was the clerk who served me that evening is a dusun man and he spoke dusun language with me (with his 'sini' or 'sirih' in his mouth) while I spoke malay with him. It's not that I can't speak dusun but I'm not that fluent...last conversation baru sa cakap dusun...ehehehhe. bikin malu saja!
Oklah, finish with my update...till the, adios!
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