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My Wedding Countdown

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wedding Preparation So Far

Hello there,

First of all, I want to share good news with y’all. Laci is back but when she came home this evening, she looked thin. As she entered the house, she meowing for food. When I gave her a bowl of cat food, she ate it all and after that went to sleep on my bed. Now, she is sleeping again…

Ok, in this post, I want to share to u all what I did so far for my wedding ceremony. For now, I already did my wedding photo shoot indoor and outdoor managed by Victoria’s Bridal, which is located opposite the Luyang Clinic. As I told u all earlier, I had to change my wedding date since the priest is not free on that date. So our wedding date will be earlier than the first planned date. And because of that, we changed our wedding reception venue from Ranau Chinese Temple Hall to Mt Kinabalu Heritage & Spa, Kundasang. Since I’m here at Membakut, I have to ask help from my parents to pay the deposit to the Restaurant CEO. They were told to pay 50% of the full amount so I asked my fiancé to bank-in half of the ‘belanja dapur’ so that they can use it to pay the deposit. Last Saturday my mum called me and informed me that they have pay the deposit. She also told me that they have informed the CEO about our theme colour, which is purple white. Thanks to them because it won’t happen without them.

Ooo FYI, my dad chose to have Chinese set for that night and each table cost RM450. So for 30 tables, it cost us RM13500…expensive huh?! But it’s still ok because that price is still under budget or ‘belanja dapur’. Besides, the hotel will provide us with the wedding cake, the backdrop, LCD and screen, PA system, decoration, red carpet and 10 courses for that night. The rest of the money, my parents will spend it for alcoholic drinks whish is a must! Ehehehe…
About our wedding blessing ceremony, we have booked the church but still we haven’t deal with the people who suppose to do the decoration in the church. It’s because we have to wait if there is other couples for that day. If yes, then we can share to pay the decoration cost. What I’m going to do next is to post the documents needed by my fiancé’s employer to approve our marriage application. Well, a bit leceh la because they want a copy of my pengesahan majikan, pengesahan bujang and my pay slip. When my fiancé called me yesterday and asked me to prepare the documents, here are our dialogues…

HIM: “Bey, nnt ko kasi sedia itu pengesahan majikan, pengesahan bujang sama salinan slip gaji terbaru ko aaa….”

ME : Aiya, mo jugakah itu suma? Eeee leceh juga mo kawin sama polis ni tau…

HIM: Nah sepa suruh mo kahwin sama polis..

ME: Mcmn juga klu itu polis sdh mengurat…

HIM: Aik, manada polis yg mengurat, itu cikgu tu yg mengurat…

ME: Manada…polis tu yg mengurat

HIM: Cikgu…

ME: Polis…

And bla-bla-bla…but end up, we both laughed…

At school this morning, I asked my colleague who also married to a policeman. And she told me that “Betul tu mel, dulu sa pun kena kasi sedia suma tu…Laki ku cakap, drg mo pastikan bininya bukan banduan…” WHAT???? Whatever la…as long as I can get married…

Ohh, I also have created our DIY wedding invitation but haven’t printed it out since there are about 4 months till our big day. Just a simple design because I’m sure most of the people we’ll invite will not keep the card. Maybe some of them will keep it for remembrance, just like me.

ehehhe, there are more at Ranau...

Oklah, I guess that's all for now...See u soon. BYEEE


Annie said...

oh.. laci pulang sudaa!! yayyy!! haha.. sa tus pi post ko yang sana bawah ba.. *lega*

bah happy menguruskan wedd kamu ya.. ;) kami pun inda lama lagi ni.. dakat suda itu big day o0o.. takutnya..

LonTugi said...

haha... mel nasib ko bukan ex-convict... hahaha

Unknown said...

Good to know Laci is back.. and all the best for your wedding preparations

Shanel Shanty James said...

yeah yeah..laci sudah balik..kesian dia oo..lain kali jaga betul2 bah..dia merajuk mangkali sama ko..ataupun ada kucing jantan p mengurat dia..jan jak kucing pulis lah..wakakakkk!!!

ui..mana wedding card sia..ko tia simpan kah..?

memeljoan said...

Ya, sa tgh berusaha membuat wedding preparation sebaik mungkin ni...ooo atie, dia yg gansau p rumah org tu...and ko punya wedding card saaaanaaaa ranau...hahahha