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My Wedding Countdown

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CuTe BlogGer AwarD...and FriEndShiP AwarD

Yeahh...thanks to Just who gave me these awards...

1st Award: The Cute Blogger Award
My hobbies...

1. Dancing...I really want to join dancing class if there is one here at Membakut

2. I like to sing but I'm not a good singer...

3. Watch movies...When I turn on my astro, sure want to search for a good movies

4. Reading...magazines and books I bought from Times Bookstore

5. Download musics from internet...using Ares...got any better P2P file sharing?

6. Listening to good music...lite and easy..wohooo

7. If I saw people (yg dikenali and biasa) taking picture, sure want to pose...click-click

8. I have Sony Alpha camera because besides posing in front of camera, I also like to take pictures..

9. Smsing and calling my dear fiance...suka kacau2 dia bah

10. My recent hobby, BloGging...eheheh

2nd Award: The Friendship Award

Yess, May our FRIENDSHIP last forever...walaupun long time no see...:P

I think my sis deserved to have this award too...so sis...this is for you...wooohoooo

SmiLe aT The OnE You Love

Mother Teresa often gives people unexpected advice. When a group of Americans, many in the teaching profession, visited her in Calcutta, they asked her for some advice to take home to their families.
"Smile at your wives," she told them, "Smile at your husbands."
Thinking perharps the counsel was simplistic, coming from an unmarried person, one of them asked, "Are you married?"
"Yes," she replied, to their surprise, "and I find it hard sometimes to smile to Jesus. He can be very demanding."
Eileen Egan
Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hello...I came across this book of mine about self-help/relationship (I haven't finish reading it yet) and stuck to this point...The 7 best things happy couples do. Let me share it with you and let me know if it's true...(especially those with a married life because you know more about it)

Here they are-the 7 best things truly happy couples do:

1. Be Old Enough to Date
2. Be Sexual
3. Be Willing to Divorce
4. Know How You Chose Each Other
5. Let Yourself Be Astonished
6. Manage Your Fear, Hurt, Shame and Loneliness
7. Own Your Own Part
Plus...Let Disappointment Enrich You

The points are quite tricky right?Do take a moment to think about these points...do you do all these 7 things?Do we have to do all these 7 things if we want to be a happy couple?THINK...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Tag From Just

RULES : Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to anwer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl. Have fun trying!

1. What is your name? Memel (my nickname)
2. A four letter word : Mind (everyone have this)
3. A boy’s name : Matthew (name from Bible)
4. A girl’s name : Michelle (Thinking about Michelle Yeoh)
5. An occupation : Musician (They are great)
6. A color: Magenta (purple-liked color)
7. Something you wear: Miniskirt (sometimes I wear it)
8. A food : Meehoon (I like to eat it)
9. Something found in the bathroom: Mirror (must have)
10. A place : Membakut (I'm teaching here)
11. A reason for being late : Malas bangun! (eheheh...)
12. Something you shout : Mummy kau...(kes terkazut...)
13. A movie title : My bestfriend's wedding (One of my fav movies)
14. Something you drink : Mango juice (One of my fav drink)
15. A musical group : Michael Learns To Rock (They have a good songs)
16. A street name : Matan Road (Saaaanaa Ranau)
17. A type of car : MYVI (My car...)
18. A song title : Matahariku (Layannnn)
19. A verb : Mopping (Err...)

I don't have 10 people to tag but...hey! How about I tag all my followers?You know who you are guys...:P

Friday, February 20, 2009

MSSD Beaufort

Heloo...apa kabar? mmm...mcm lama pula rasanya tidak buka blog. Actually dari 3 hari yang lalu sa memang tidak berkesempatan mo buka blog sebab too tired bah...sa mengiring budak sekolah sa p sukan daerah di smk Gadong Beaufort...about 45 minutes from Membakut...everyday kena ulang alik. Jalan seawal jam 7 pagi...lepas tu sampai rumah around 7 pm...gelap sdh pemandangan...baru hari ni awal pulang sbb hari ni penutupan. Walaupun dengan 17 atlit dan 3 guru pengiring, kami berpuas hati juga la dengan 1 emas dan 2 gangsa...dengan 1 hari latihan saja...masa singkat bah, tidak sempat pun melatih budak2 tu.

Keadaan padang memang bikin kesian lah... ada satu cigu dari sekolah lain tu cakap padang tu macam bendang...ehehhe, berlumpur, becak dan tidak rata. Budak kami pula selalu dapat lorong yang tidak ok...kesian dorang. Ada yang kena injak spike la, kejang la, sakit perut la, sakit pinggang la...macam2 la...Apa2 pun, kamu tengok sendiri la team kami yang bikin kesian ni...huhuhu

Ni tengah sibuk2 mo pasang nombor...kejap lagi mo berlari

Ini sa sama ex-student sa yg berpindah p sekolah lain...macam sebaya ja kan?ekekek

Ni la muka2 kecewa sebab pendaftaran dorang dibatalkan...

Sebelum mo p berbaris, sempat lagi posing

Kesiannya dorang ni, orang lain smart2 berkawad sana...tidak apa bah, anggap ja berjalan ala2 olimpik...

Ni la muka-muka penat tetapi masih maintain pose...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This one is quite dot-dot-dot...

Hello... ehehhe, sorry aa that title above is just a title so don't think too much about that 'dot-dot-dot'. Actually, I got a tag from KOBIE and before she gets upset because I don't respond to her tag, I better do it now...

Here we go....


1. Link the person who tagged you. √
2. Post the rules in you blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.√
4. Tag 6 people to your post and link to them.√
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.√

Ok, here are 6 random things about me.

1 ~ I'm going to be 29 years old this year and I hope I can get married this year...ehehe

2 ~ I don't know if it's bad or no, but when someone makes me angry or hurt me so badly, it's hard for me to accept him/her again like before (I can forgive them but can't forget what they did)...

3 ~ I love to dance actually but I still need a sifu to teach me the steps...because of that, I like to watch dance movie such as HONEY, STEPS UP, YOU"VE GOT SERVED etc...

4 ~ My friends sometimes said that I have serious-look but inside, I am a sentimental person...ekekek

5 ~ I miss my school years especially my old friends from SK Pekan Ranau and SBPS or SMESH

6 ~ I love to have a pet (cat and dog) but since I haven't settle down and still renting a house, I cannot have them...

Ooo..there you have it all...now I wanna tag...Lolly, Mia, Nika, Nadia, Atie and Igig

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.

Sport's Day

How's everyone out there? I hope you all are just fine and still living lives to the fullest...ekekke..
As for me, I am just just fine but right now, my skin is like 'udang terbakar'...besalah, baru habis sukan sekolah...kalau x tbakar tu kulit, maksudnya tidak melibatkan diri sama sukan la tu namanya..oppsss...terlebih sudah...
My school held its sport's day on 11-12 Feb...eventhough it was just an 'ala-kadar' sport's day but I must say that our teachers gave full comitment on that day...(that's what I saw lah...). But sadly, my rumah sukan sdh down la this year...from no.1 last year, dropped to no.5 this year...haiya, kurang sdh atlit kami bah...Never mind la, the important thing is the sport spirit kan...

Here's some pics that I took that day...enjoy!

Ini dia MC of the day..Mr Rosley and Mr Ameiruel...

Ini pula tengah risau boleh dapat pingat ka tidak...:P

Amboi happynya si Adam...

Wah si Maryainie ni...sempat lagi buat "PEACE" aa...

Nasib baik dapat johan juga ko kalau tidak, rugi ja "PEACE" ko tu

Nah...caught on camera...foulstart berlaku di situ...kan???

Beginilah suasana sukan tahunan ala-kadar kami...kesiankan...Inilah Persatuan Seni Silat kebanggaan Cigu Shazian

Isk-3X...serius juga si Paincho ni. Tgk Husaini, senyum sokmo

Ini dia guru-guru fresh tahun ni...selamat memasuki alam perguruan...

Ini dia pahlawan tengah meradang tu...

Alamak, mcm zaman semerah padi ja ni.At the end of the sport's day, suma students bersorak selepas diumumkan esok tetap sekolah seperti biasa...sorak gembira kah sorak marah tu?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Tag from Lontugi...

As you can see from the title, I would like to respond to Lontugi's tag about myself and hope you enjoy reading it...
Using simple rules. Using the Google Images to search the answers to the questions given. Then you must only choose a picture from the first page of the results page and post them as your answers. Finally you can share this tag with another 5 person. Here we go...

1. Next year I'm...

2. I really want to go...

3. My favorite places...

4. My favorite things...

5. My favorite drinks...

6. My favorite foods...

7. My favorite color...

8. I live in ...

9. I was born in...

10. A nickname I had...

11. My college major...

12. My bad habits...

13. My hobbies...

14. I wish...

15. I want to tag...






Ok...I'm waiting for your answers...:P